Friends of Cedar Gardens

The purpose of this website is to provide information about Cedar Gardens to a community we refer to as Friends of Cedar Gardens. We have offered visitors who came between August 2016 and September 2022 the opportunity to become friends of Cedar Gardens. By choosing to visit again you become members of the Friends of Cedar Gardens community.

Bob and Annie McQueen, the owners of Cedar Gardens, live in California. They created Cedar Gardens as a second home in Wales and made it available to friends and family when they were not visiting. They decided in August 2016 it was not getting fully used and decided to make it available to adults to revitalize their spirits and return refreshed to their daily lives.

Bob and Annie dropped out from their professional careers in the 1970s and for 5 years hosted weeklong workshops to people who were interested in sharing ways to live a happy and healthy life in a predominantly competitive materialistic society. What they learned during this time was to see themselves as both physical and spiritual beings and the importance of been able to listen to the intuitive guidance of their spiritual being in making decisions in their daily lives. Bob and Annie don’t need others to think the same as them, but they believe that to be fully alive we need to be awake to and guided by our duality. They consider that making Cedar Gardens available to others will help them to find the peace and tranquility to enhance their ability to hear their inner spiritual wisdom. Also, by doing so, improve their creativity and capability to contribute to the world in their daily lives.

We see the Friends of Cedar Gardens as our partners enabling Cedar Gardens to continue long-term to provide an environment to renew, reflect, and replenish one’s spirit.


Utilizing our Creativity